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ImageButton Applet version 1.3

ImageButton is a tiny, fast loading Java applet that simulates a button. It can be used on a web page for navigation. By clicking on this button,you can open other pages. All you have to do is assign a gif image and the destination URL, and everything else is taken care of by the applet! If you want to customize, there is the option of assigning a sound, a second image (for the depressed state), image graying, different border width and even simple animation!!! Look at the examples below.

- simple button.
- button with graying and sound
- button with two images, animation and sound
- same as above, but without animation
- button with graying, two images, animation, sound and opens in new window

button_up - the gif to be displayed on the button
button_down - the gif to be displayed when the button is depressed
animate - true or false. Assigning true will cause the applet to animate using the button_up and button_down images when the mouse is over it.
grayImage - gray image or not. If assigned true, image will be grayed when the mouse is not over it.
url - URL of the destination link.
status - Text that will be displayed at the bottom in the status bar.
target - Name of the frame in which the destination page is to be displayed. You can skip this of you are not using frames.
click_sound - sound to play when button is clicked
border - thickness of the border in pixels (default=1)

What's new in this version:

  • Virtually no flicker during transitions
  • Faster loading.
  • Support for simple animation
  • Cannot use tranparent gifs

You must provide the button_up parameter. The rest are optional and have default values. Replace the WIDTH and HEIGHT in the APPLET tag by the width and the height of your icon.gif. Use a table if you want the appearance of a toolbar.

This applet is absolutely free.

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