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Image Processing II

The following are the reports for Digital Image Processing (CAP 5400) class. The image shell was implemented on the Windows 95 platform. It reads in images in the PGM (P2 and P5) formats and applies image processing algorithms to them. The program can be downloaded here:

ImageShell.exe (64 kB)
FFTW2dll.dll (210 kB) - Must reside in same directory as the .exe
Test images - bf.pgm, lenna.pgm, saturn.pgm, taj.pgm, ge.pgm
Assignment 1
Implementation of Median Smoothing and Gaussian Smoothing.
Assignment 2
Thresholding and various Histogram Equalization uses.
Assignment 3
Use of Fourier Transforms to implement high-pass and low-pass filters.
Assignment 4
Edge Detection using gradient and direction information
Assignment 5
Use of Hough Transforms to detect lines and circles in edge images
Assignment 6
Range Image processsing.